Our use of fossil fuels to produce electricity is the largest contributor of CO2 emissions in America, accounting for nearly 37% of the nation’s total CO2 emissions, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). CO2 is one of many greenhouse gases that contribute to global pollution and climate change. Energy conservation is the most effective way to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that harm the environment and you can do it right from the comfort of your own home!
We take energy conservation very seriously at Pipes & Plugs, LLC. That’s why we offer a variety of money and energy-saving electrical services in New Iberia, LA, such as electrical upgrades and energy audits. Our expert electricians can help you identify easy ways you have to save money on electricity while reducing your environmental footprint.
Take a look at these simple ways to save money on electricity in New Iberia, LA, and beyond!
- Call Pipes & Plugs, LLC to schedule an energy audit Your home may have problems areas you’re unaware of that are taking a toll on the environment and your wallet. An energy audit can find and resolve these issues and ensures your home is energy efficient.
- Getting rid of dust is a must Your refrigerator coils should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at least twice a year or according to the manufacturer’s directions. Likewise, you should replace your HVAC filter every four to six weeks for maximum efficiency and money savings.
- Unplug Phone and tablet chargers are two examples of “vampire” electronics that continue to drain your home of electricity even if they’re not in use! As long as they’re plugged in, electricity is being wasted. Keep these and other kinds of electronics unplugged until you need to use them.
- Keep an eye out for leaks Making sure your home is properly insulated is a great way to prevent the waste of energy and money. Sealing door and window leaks keep you comfortable while saving money and the environment.
- Program your thermostat Heating and cooling make up roughly 42% of a home’s energy costs, so it’s easy to see why programming your thermostat is such an important energy conservation measure. To increase your savings, keep your thermostat set to 78°F during the cooling season and 68°F in the winter.
- Use energy-efficient light bulbs Energy Star certified light bulbs use between 70 to 90% less energy than their traditional incandescent counterparts. They also last six times as long and help to reduce cooling costs because they produce less heat. Now that’s getting more bang for your bulb!
We believe that energy conservation is a community effort. Pipes & Plugs is dedicated to doing our part to combat climate change while helping our customers save money with our professional electrical services in Abbeville, LA. For service and savings, you can count on, call Pipes & Plugs, LLC.!