Winter can be a tough season for your home’s electrical system. Data from the U.S. Fire Administration shows that more than 26,000 fires are caused by electrical problems each year, with December and January being especially hazardous months.
Routine inspections and appliance maintenance are just a few of the wide range of electrical services we offer at Pipes and Plugs, LLC. These services can not only help save you time and money this winter — and throughout the year — but more importantly, they can keep you safe by ensuring your system is working properly.
Take a look at these four bright ideas for avoiding common electrical problems in Lafayette this winter.
Schedule a home electrical inspection
If you haven’t done so already or one hasn’t been performed within the last decade, now is the time to schedule an electrical inspection. For older homes where outdated and deteriorating electrical wiring is common issues, this is especially important. Without a professional inspection, you can never assume your home’s wiring is okay. Many of today’s modern appliances and gadgets weren’t designed to run on older electrical circuits and doing so can cause problems. Inspecting and upgrading outdated equipment will make your home safer and more efficient.
Be careful when using seasonal electrical appliances
Since it’s likely you haven’t seen or used your electric blanket, space heater, or holiday lights since last winter, it’s important to inspect their condition before you use them this year. Look out for possible signs of damage such as frayed or worn cords. Only use these appliances per the manufacturer’s instructions, paying particular attention to possible fire hazards. If you’re buying a new appliance or lighting, look for products with a safety seal of approval from an accredited electrical organization, such as the Underwriters Laboratory for added peace of mind.
Make sure your CO and smoke detectors are working
Do you remember the last time you tested your carbon monoxide (CO) and smoke detectors? Testing your CO and smoke detectors at least once a month and replacing the batteries at least twice a year is recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. To really be on the safe side, consider upgrading to hardwired fire and carbon monoxide detectors that use battery power as a backup.
Call a professional electrician
There are a ton of DIY projects that can be done around the house during winter but tackling electrical problems isn’t one of them! Without the right experience and knowledge of electrical safety, performing any kind of DIY electrical work can be very dangerous and potentially fatal. Being able to spot possible electrical problems is important but always leave the repair work to a professional electrician.
Knowledge of electrical safety and regular maintenance of your home’s wiring are great ways to stay safe and avoid pesky electrical problems this winter. Our skilled electricians are happy to help with this! Just give us a call!