Summer Electrical Safety Tips from Your Electricians

Great places to spend summer days include beaches, pools, zoos, and amusement parks, NOT hospitals. We forget sometimes during the fun of summer that there are dangers lurking around us. Our Abbeville electricians have compiled a list of key electrical safety tips to help keep you and your family safe this summer.

Indoor Electrical Safety Tips for Abbeville, New Iberia, & Lafayette

Outdoor Electrical Safety Tips for Abbeville, New Iberia, & Lafayette

  • Have your pool or hot tub wired safely by a professional electrician. All connections should be fully grounded.
  • Don’t allow children to use electronic handheld games in the pool.
  • Remember that water and electricity don’t mix. Keep electrical toys and appliances far away from pools and hot tubs.
  • Assume that all power lines are live and dangerous. Don’t touch them with your body or with any object.
  • Watch out for power lines when using ladders outdoors.
  • Teach your children about the dangers of climbing trees or flying kites near power lines.

Thunderstorm Safety Tips for Abbeville, New Iberia, & Lafayette

  • Don’t run water during a storm. Even taking a shower can provide a conduit for electricity.
  • Get to a shelter ASAP during a storm, preferably one that has plumbing or wiring to ground it from lightning. If there isn’t any building nearby, retreating to a car is better than having no shelter at all.
  • Close blinds during severe thunderstorms to help protect yourself from breaking glass.
  • Unplug appliances during storms. Consider getting surge protection in Abbeville to protect your electronics from irreparable harm.
  • If you notice a downed power line do NOT approach it. Just report it to the power company.

Even though you may know many of these electrical safety tips already, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded from time to time. If you see an electrical safety hazard in Abbeville, say something—you could save a life! For emergency electrical service in Abbeville this summer or anytime, give Pipes & Plugs a call!
